Education lays a foundation for a happy life. From the early years of preschool through college, education gives children tools to become good citizens and solve problems. Education encompasses history, science, math, English, and the arts, which improve mental agility. Throughout the years of grade school, students learn how and when to problem-solve as well as how to be a leader and a follower. In the early years, students are developing social skills, learning to share, and interacting with their peers. As the years pass, the intensity of the homework, tests, and learning increases.

The Importance of an Amazing Education

Education is vital in becoming a successful adult. Through education, students can earn higher positions in society in all professional environments such as the financial sector, medical fields, and legal professions. Does your child dream of becoming a teacher? Does your child want to open a business one day? Without an education, these dreams are extremely difficult to achieve.

A strong education also provides financial security and financial stability in the future. At Madison Park High School in Boston, Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (June 23, 1990). These strong words have proven true through various scientific and psychological studies. As a parent, you must put great thought into the educational system your child will attend. Basis International School encompasses every stage of learning, provides aid to those with learning disabilities, and molds students into successful adults.

International School Learning Programs

International schools provide quality education for all ages. The curriculum teaches all ages and provides classroom learning adjacent to grade including:

  • Early learning program
  • Primary school
  • Middle school
  • High school

The early learning program is for young children. During the preschool and kindergarten ages, an institution will foster their love for learning and curiosity for the world. At this age, educators will provide shortened blocks for students to develop social skills, math concepts, and expression through the arts. Primary school programs are catered to reinforce good skills and habits to children grades one through four. These good habits accelerate the learning process.

Middle school programs prepare students for high school, expanding on their academics, time-management, self-control, and organizational skills. By grade nine, high school students are being prepared and taking college-accredited courses also known as advanced placement (AP) courses. High school offers a wide range of classes to nourish students’ passions and disciplines to prepare them for their future profession.