If you are like other people, you might get a headache during stressful events. This headache can be triggered or exacerbated by stress. However, is stress really associated with headaches? Read on to know the answer:
Can Stress Cause Headaches?
Stress can cause a lot of headaches and can exacerbate others. But, you should know the kind of headache you are experiencing to determine if stress is a trigger, a by-product, or a contributor. The National Headache Center Miami has vital information on this.
Although a number of headaches are blamed on stress, some factors may also play. But, no matter the case, it is important to understand more about the nature of the headache being experienced and its relationship to stress. Below are the common kinds of headaches:
- Migraine headaches. These headaches can be severe and debilitating. They can last up to 72 hours. Often, they occur on one side of the head and tend to worsen with daily activities such as walking around. Migraine headaches are not thought to have a direct link with stress. But, stress can make a person susceptible to the triggers of migraine headaches.
- Tension headaches. These are called stress headaches. A lot of adults can experience this headache periodically. In general, they feel like a tightness in the forehead or back of the neck. Because they are not debilitating, sufferers can go about their regular activities. Obviously, they are thought to be directly associated with stress.
- Secondary headaches. These headaches are those caused by more serious conditions like strokes and brain tumors. They are not directly caused by stress.
How to Manage and Prevent Headaches
Since adults experience mostly tension headaches, they can avoid a good part of these headaches or reduce it with effective stress management approaches. In addition, as stress can make people who suffer migraines more susceptible to the triggers, stress relief strategies can also help in avoiding a lot of these severe headaches. Also, as stress management techniques can boost the immune system, people who practice stress management effectively can avoid secondary headaches by avoiding the specific conditions that cause them.
Should you See a Doctor for Headaches?
Although headache sufferers can take over-the-counter medicines, some migraines may require heavier medications to be relieved. Also, as a number of headaches are associated with more serious conditions, sufferers must see a doctor for serious headaches. Although stress management techniques can help, it is best to see a doctor when you suffer from headaches that interfere with your daily activities.